New features for digital notepad coming soon

New features for digital notepad coming soon

Officially opened on February 3, 2022, My Health Space aims to allow you to quickly store and access all your medical information using a secure online platform.

In particular, it allows you to:

  • To follow the history of your medical appointments, to organize yourself better and do not forget to schedule the next appointments;
  • To receive an alert, if necessary, reminding you of key dates associated with the structured screening programme, vaccination, etc.

It also means that it can send you personalized preventive messages based on the various information available on your My health space account.

currently, This platform Gives you permanent access to:

  • Your medical file, which you can complete to describe your condition (current treatments, medical history, etc.);
  • Your shared medical record, with documents added or sent by a healthcare professional or organization;
  • Secure health messages to communicate with health workers in complete confidentiality (medical confidentiality is respected).
  • The space on the site also allows you to send your prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice so that your medications are already prepared and ready when you come to pick them up.

For blogging : On February 29, 2024, two years after the implementation of My Health Space, more than 11 million people (about 16% of the population) had activated their accounts; 450,000 people did so in January 2024. Every week, more than 300,000 people log in to their accounts.

reminder : When you connect to my health space for the first time, you must use a secret code sent to you by your health insurance that is valid for 6 weeks from the date of sending.

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If this code is lost or has now expired, you can request a new code during the account activation process. After that, you can close your My health space account at any time.


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