Mysterious ‘rain of worms’ in China: where do these car-collecting creatures come from?

Mysterious ‘rain of worms’ in China: where do these car-collecting creatures come from?

A video showing hundreds of worms swarming together on the streets of Beijing, China, has caused a lot of backlash.

Like the rain of grasshoppers or frogs, here is the rain of worms. In any case, this is what a video circulating on social networks will show, whose photos could have been taken in Beijing, China, a few days ago.

In this video, we see hundreds, even thousands, of maggots swarming the street and on the hoods of parked cars.

These animals had arrived at this place after it had rained. Pictures show passers-by with umbrellas.

A sign of the end of the world

This alleged rain of worms was seen as an apocalyptic sign of the beginning of the end of the world, a reference to the ten-full of Egypt, although worms were not part of it at the time of this belief.

rain hypothesis

Rain on different animals is a meteorological phenomenon characterized by the fall of a very large number of animals from the sky, which each time belong to the same species.

This phenomenon has been observed in many places and at many times: grasshoppers, frogs, fish, birds… all fall from the sky. Hundreds or more animals are then thrown to the ground, some torn to pieces, others unharmed, some dead, others still frozen.

These strange deposits may have been caused by a violent hurricane or storm that would have carried the animals away to transport them further.

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lunar hypothesis

March’s first full moon, dubbed the “worm moon,” marks the return of earthworms to the surface, as determined Paris Match.

Very close to Earth, this moon is very bright and attracts creatures.

In addition, March is the season when worms, slugs, caterpillars and larvae return to the surface after wintering and walk on the ground.

So it is likely that these groups of worms were caused by this fact and would not have fallen from the sky but would have simply crawled up to climb up the cars.

The poplar hypothesis

The last hypothesis put forward is that they will not be worms but just poplar blossoms resembling crawling animals from afar.

And besides, these flowers are in season and there are poplar trees in Beijing.

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