More than 20,000 employees have left Foxconn, the largest iPhone manufacturer in China

More than 20,000 employees have left Foxconn, the largest iPhone manufacturer in China

More than 20,000 employees of Foxconn, Apple’s main iPhone assembly company, have left the factory in Zhengzhou, China, a company source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Friday (November 25, 2022).

Were the factory targets damaged by these departures?

The source explained that most of these employees were recruited recently and have not yet started working on production lines.

According to her, Foxconn, which plans to fully resume production by the end of November, may see achieving its targets complicated by these departures.

Read also. Trapped workers flee the country’s largest iPhone factory, which has been hit by the Covid virus

Demonstrations against strict anti-Covid measures

Hundreds of employees demonstrated this week To protest against the severe measures applied in the factory to curb the spread of COVID-19, As well as the inappropriate management of the situation by the Taiwanese company.

Foxconn declined to comment.

Videos posted on social media on Friday showed several workers waiting to board buses. “It’s time to go home,” said one of the people who posted a video.

A second Foxconn source confirmed the departures, but did not provide a number, and made it clear that they will have no impact on production, as new hires must undergo training before starting work.

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