Mental health: 3 tips validated by science

Mental health: 3 tips validated by science

American researchers give us very concrete advice to take care of our mental health in this difficult period …

Between the coronavirus (and its many variants), health measures (curfew, mask…) and concerns about the future (employment, education…), it is clear that the spirits of the French are not looking good. According to a survey by Inserm and Purdue University, the French are now more anxious than they were in 2014: Depressive symptoms have risen in particular among women, young people and the elderly.

about the same topic

5 positive psychological tips to be happier

Researchers at Binghamton University (USA) specifically studied factors that have an effect (positive or negative) on the mental health of women age 30 and older. “We worked with a group of 880 women and found a strong link between a balanced diet, regular physical activity, healthy lifestyles, and stable, positive mental health.Lina Bakdash, lead author of this work, published in Journal of Personal Medicine.

In detail, American researchers offer recommendations (concrete and easy to implement) to improve everyday mental health:

  • avoid junk food (and foods rich in sugars, fats, and salt),
  • Do not miss breakfast (and prefer a healthy breakfast with proteins and seasonal fruits),
  • Avoid excessive caffeine intake during the day (beware of tea, coffee and energy drinks),
  • eating a low-sugar diet (and avoiding foods with a high glycemic index),
  • eat more fruits and vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables: spinach, cabbage, broccoli …),
  • Exercise every day (at least 20 minutes).

To know:Exercising daily (at least 20 minutes non-stop) may offset the negative impact of junk food and excess sugar on mental healthScientists who have indicated that environmental factors have a greater impact on women’s mental health than on men say that they do.

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