Look no further to find the next solid block, Dome Keeper will be released on September 27 – News

Look no further to find the next solid block, Dome Keeper will be released on September 27 – News

I make holes, big holes, always big holes. But not without a goal or a method: in dome keeperIt’s always racing. You have to dig under its dome, built on a hostile planet, take your jetpack and dig it, and search the galleries thus created for precious ores that will be used to improve its base. But barely a few minutes have passed when a wave of enemies comes to attack us on the surface, threatening the integrity of the structure and game over. Hence it is necessary to repel them in real time by controlling the defenses of the structure.

The concept is as simple as it is massive and new tractor He unveiled during the Awesome Indies Showcase several new features seen on the developer’s Twitter account. While the demo only allowed for a laser dome experience, we know that at launch there will also be a sword dome and another variant that has yet to be revealed. The game is also organized Rogolite; Random artifacts will be collected in each game as permanent increases in the game’s dome, which can be improved for example by more firepower or more life, when one does not choose to improve the abilities of their training or jetpack. Simply dig deep enough to retrieve the relic that ends the current level, and move on to the next dome in the gameplay structure in hopes of connecting the parts together.

All of these new features will be testable when the game is released, September 27 on Steam.

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