Knife attack in Sydney: A French hero officially obtains Australian citizenship after his brave act

Knife attack in Sydney: A French hero officially obtains Australian citizenship after his brave act

Frenchman Damien Giraud, who intervened during the knife attack that left six people dead in Sydney on April 13, 2024, has officially received the Australian citizenship promised by the Prime Minister.

Damien Giroud, a Frenchman, repelled the attacker The deadly attack in Sydney Which took place in a shopping mall on April 13, she announced on Saturday, April 20, 2024 that she had officially obtained Australian citizenship in gratitude for her brave act, indicating BFMTV.

“I have reached the end of my visa, of course I am really happy.”He said smiling. “C“I thank the Australian Prime Minister very much for giving me this opportunity.”

“I've reached the end of my visa and I'm really happy to have Australian citizenship but it feels a bit strange because despite everything, there are people in mourning. I can't really be happy.”

Sydney forward: Damien Giroud #CLHebdo

– C Lebdo (@clhebdo5) April 20, 2024

But the latter admits that he felt somewhat divided after obtaining the new passport: “J“It feels a bit strange because there are people who are sad too and I can't really be happy.”

His friend Silas Desbrow, sitting next to him, adds: “I don't think you'll be able to forget why all this happened.” He was also present at the scene at the time of the attack.

He was welcomed as an Australian citizen

That day, Damien Giroud was in the shopping mall by chance. During the attack, he repelled the attacker using a pole. “He is someone whom we would gladly welcome as an Australian citizen, although of course it would be a loss to France. We thank him for his extraordinary courage.”The Australian Prime Minister made the announcement three days later.

He quickly earned his nickname “The Pole Man” And qualified as “hero” In Australia it caught him. As Emmanuel Macron recognized him as a “Very proud” and this is “recognition”.

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