JK Rowling casts interest in cross-esports debate – UK news

JK Rowling casts interest in cross-esports debate – UK news

The Harry Potter author has thrown his support behind opposition to mutant athletes who compete with biological women

Rowling, author of Harry Potter, that former British Olympic swimmer Sharon Davis is a “inspiration” For his persistent opposition to transgender athletes who compete with biologically born women.

Both Rowling and Davis have been prominent critics of the debate over the fairness and efficacy of having transgender athletes competing directly against CIS women, citing notable cases such as those involving American swimmer Leah Thomas. After the two succeeded in competing with women despite being born male.

Davis has been particularly vocal in her crusade to establish what she sees as a level playing field for mathematics as more and more transgender athletes make headlines around the world – but she has also spoken out against what she claims is the “harassment” of transgender activists.

“Disgusting and highly predictable trans activists target the earnings of young female athletes to suggest they want fair sport, saying they reject transgender people and how dare companies hire them!” Davis wrote on Twitter. ” It’s direct harassment. That’s how they work! this is not true. “

“Please show your love for the athletes, especially the athletes who broke the lid,” She added.

“The male abuse they are subjected to by so-called trans activists is extraordinary, but remaining silent is a huge loss for women. It is a human right to equality that has been stolen from us.. “

Davis’ criticism comes amid a recent scrutiny of Thomas who saw an anonymous letter from Thomas’ colleague at the University of Pennsylvania posted online criticizing inequality by allowing Thomas to compete against women.

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Imagine if there was this kind of inequality in men’s sport? Or someone has discovered doping in a men’s sport. It will be over in the blink of an eye. Everyone will have it. But because they are women, they don’t carePartially says the message.

Rowling, the Harry Potter author, who found herself in the crossfire after comments some viewed as anti-transgender, backed Davis’ outspokenness online.

“I kiss you and all rookie mathematicians, Sharon. You are an inspirationRowling, who was dropped from the Harry Potter memorial show recently because of the fame of her past comments about it, wrote.

On Monday, Twitter announced it was removing from its platform a video of transgender activist Faya Vadim who appeared to be calling for Rowling’s assassination because of her opposition to transgender athletes.

The song contained the lyrics. As I Kill (Trans-Radical Feminists) and “JHope it works for you. “

Rowling pointed out the problem in her own tweet:I’m afraid I can’t shout out to everyone who promises to kill me – there are so many of you and I’m a busy woman – but this one deserves a mention in the raving ’90s. “

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