“It is a cruel and incurable disease with a life expectancy of 3 years.”

“It is a cruel and incurable disease with a life expectancy of 3 years.”

The cause of Charcot’s disease has not been clearly identified. To date, there is no cure for this disease.

Today, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or “Charcot disease“It affects between 5,000 and 7,000 patients, with an annual rate of approximately 2.5 per 100,000 population. This neurodegenerative disease occurs most often from the age of 50, and affects peripheral muscles.

Gradually leads to paralysis of the muscles of the legs and arms. Then Charcot’s disease leads to paralysis of the muscles of the respiratory tract, swallowing, etc. “Attention, four people die every day from Charcot’s disease. (…]It is a cruel and incurable disease that brings life expectancy to three years“, confirms Dr. Christian Recchia. In fact, there is no cure, it is only possible to alleviate certain symptoms. In most cases, patients die from respiratory infection.

Video – Oliver Joy, suffering from Charcot’s disease: “We tell you” there is no cure. In 3 years, it’s over.”

“Patients die very quickly.”

Where does this disease come from? “We don’t know anything about Charcot’s disease because patients die very quickly“, Dr. Recchia explains. At the moment, scientists have not determined the cause of the appearance of this disease, it is certainly multifactorial. In fact, Charcot’s disease is probably the result of environmental factors and genetic susceptibility factors.”Tobacco, pollution and stress“It may very well play a role,” Dr. Recchia assures.

The scientist is determined to find relief solutions for the patient. Today we have some hopes. But I can say that it is likely that in genetic engineering we will be able to find solutions to this disease.Consider Dr. Rekia. The disease progression is progressive, and it is not possible to predict how ALS will develop over time.

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Video- Olivier Joy, suffering from Charcot’s disease: “You are a prisoner of your body”

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