Is the Corona pandemic over soon? The World Health Organization is amazing and moving forward – this is what virologist Drosten said
FromTobias Utz
The declarations issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) to end the epidemic are startling. Virologist agrees, and Lauterbach and Soder caution against dilution. Then comes the turning point.
- Ends the Corona-Epidemic Nice bald? The World Health Organization (WHO) It fuels hopes with a new assessment.
- Karl Lauterbach And the Marcus Söder Warning, however Premature relief at Germany.
- Now he expresses himself WHO-Direktor “I never said that,” he explains.
Update from 02/28/2021 at 3 PM: Hans Kluge’s remarks about a possible end to Corona Pandimi, Keep sparking discussions – in social networks and in science. The director of the World Health Organization for Europe gave an interview to the Danish radio media in which he was said to have said that the epidemic “will end in a few months”. Faced with this statement, Cluj now clarifies: “I’ve never said that.”Explains to “ZDF”. He was asked in the interview when The Corona Pandimi Survived is being. Then he said that no one could have predicted this.
Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe (left). (Archive image)
© Ida Guldbaek Arentsen / AFP
“I would say – as a working hypothesis – we will have it at the beginning of 2022 pandemic Behind us, “the WHO director continued Corona Virus It will still be around, but believes that no further disruptive measures will be required, Cluj explains in the “ZDF” request.
Corona pandemic: Virologist Drosten comments on the alleged WHO statement
In the wake of numerous publications on this topic, wild discussions erupted in social networks. The corresponding articles have been commented on thousands of times. Haas And the Catching She often read there.
running Twitter Express himself among other things Virology Christian Drosten to me. No, there are currently no known mutations that show signs of vulnerability. That would be speculation“, And therefore Drosten. The virologist at Charité was referring to statements made by Cluj in the Danish interview regarding the further development of mutants around the world. Drosten He has often commented on a possibility in the past The end Dependent Corona Pandimi. The virologist told “Spiegel” that the Corona case in 2021 may be more dangerous than many people think. Karl Lauterbach, who had warned against early loosening, made a similar statement. In the interview* For example, he said: “In no way will the epidemic be over by the end of 2021.”
Corona pandemic ends in a few months? The World Health Organization is surprised by the data
First report from 02.26.2021 at 10.00 am: Geneva – How long does it take Corona Pandimi distance? Many citizens are now asking themselves this question. Due to circulation Mutants seems Pandemic diagnosis Difficult. Especially the B.1.1.7- Mutation From Great Britain it is spreading, according to Robert Koch Institute (RKI) In Germany.
According to the World Health Organization, the number of new infections with the Coronavirus is falling sharply worldwide. (Archive image)
© National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases / Handout / AFP
Dependent Close Works up March 2021. An extension appears unlikely, many reports from Corona relief She is currently doing the tours. There’s also a new evaluation for World Health Organization. The Who is the Apparently it is assumed that pandemic It will be over in a few months. The basis for that, be that Global decline Around New infections. Hans Henry Kluge Who is the– The regional director for Europe told the Danish media: “There will still be a virus, but I don’t think any restrictions will be necessary.”
Is the Corona pandemic over soon? The director of the World Health Organization is stunned by the statements
a AssessThat difficult Germany Seems to be transmitting: On Friday (02/26/2021) I mentioned it RKI Almost 10,000 new infections in the Federal Republic. The numbers are currently settling at a lower level than they were in January 2021. However, politicians warn of recklessness Relax. Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Söder (CSU), for example, said: “In light of the boom, we are not allowed to fly blindly. Public hectic work times do not help anyone.” The assessment of the virologist contradicts this. Hendrick Strick. Calls for relaxation and criticizes the Federal Ministry of Health.
Cluj Confirms after evaluating: Mutations Natural and will not necessarily result in a loss of control. He bases his argument on the incidence of countries with high mutation rates – for example South Africa: There is one of Corona mutations Widespread however accidents are as strong as in other countries where there is no such high prevalence of mutations.
Tedros Adhanom GhebreyesusDirector general Who is the The Kluge boss, also stressed the positive development – but assessed the situation in a more differential way: “Now we have to stabilize the positive trend. The fire has not gone out yet, and if we don’t fight it anymore, it will be on fire again”. Ghebreyesus also spoke about one “Role” at pandemic, Which is “very encouraging”.
Corona – a virologist compares influenza epidemics
Klaus StoreEpidemics science Virology And earlier WHO officer Some time ago warned, Mutants Misjudge. According to Stor, historical development shows that there is likely to be a sudden drop in the number of infections. Compare them Corona Pandimi With two Influenza epidemicsAnd Asian flu and Hong Kong flu. Either way it is Infection process Flattened just as quickly as it could pile up. The Viruses It hasn’t completely disappeared, according to Shtor. That Internet Focus reports. Stor caused an uproar recently because he contradicted Chancellor Merkel on a basic assessment. He stressed that mutations are not responsible for the increasing numbers of infections.
Stuhr Rating It’s clearly due to a new one a study Backed by the USA. This was recently published in the trade magazine “Science” The publication – and the speculation comes: that Corona Virus It will develop “endemic,” in other words: it will only spread locally. The research team confirms a study The global vaccination campaign is an additional obstacle. Friedman WeberAnd the Virology In the University of Giessen, Looks similar: “Spring 2021 should really be noticeably more comfortable, summer almost normal again, and autumn is good as usual,” Weber told Focus Online.
Karl Lauterbach He sees the situation, however, less relaxed. One cautions The “third wave” at Germany. He warned on Thursday Twitter: “Unfortunately, the third wave is starting just as epidemiology has predicted. Nothing will change that, just because falls are declining worldwide.” And it remains important to “just buy time so that as many people as possible come to the First Rescue Bank.” “. vaccination They achieved. (Tobias Utz) * is an offer by IPPEN.MEDIA
Rubriklistenbild: © National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases / Handout / AFP
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