Inventions will arise from this discovery on nanomaterials

Inventions will arise from this discovery on nanomaterials

Recently, researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of Texas at Austin discovered a unique property in complex nanomaterials. Surprisingly, this feature has so far been observed only in simple nanostructures.

A slide made of nanomaterials

The principle that stands out is behavior not flexible. It’s about Alternative displacement for small defects When a particular material is distorted. Contrary to all expectations, this phenomenon leads to Perfect damping properties To dissipate certain forms of energy. Chih-Hao Chang, assistant professor in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin, is the study’s lead author. The results of the research were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Configuration helps dissipate energy

When applying pressure to the study materials, the researchers observed the displacement of small distortions in response to the pressure gradient. While the force remains in the application, Small flaws keep moving.

However, once the pressure disappears, the microscopic defects gradually return to their original position: this is the characteristic not flexible. The discovery of this appearance has also lifted the veil on another phenomenon well known to scientists.

In fact, the alternating displacement of small distortions gives the material The ability to effectively dissipate energy. With this property, it will be possible to quench energies such as vibrations and pressure waves.

Interesting applications in engineering

The ability to dissipate energy together with mobile nano-defects opens the way for multiple applications. First, the researchers thought about Builds shock absorber latest generation. However, the materials in the study are so thin that the damping properties will only be on a small scale. However, this limitation is useful in the electronic field, more specifically for Protection of chips and processors.

The assumption behind this idea is that with palliative hygiene and inflexible behavior, it would be possible toAbsorbs shock and vibration to electronic components machines. However, it is still a good time for research and development because these new properties have not yet been perfected.

Shock absorbers made of nanomaterials

It would be possible to use materials with these properties to protect semiconductor wafers to avoid vibrations and shocks. »

Chih-Hao Chang, assistant professor in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin

But by the way, what is a nanomaterial?

Nanomaterials synthetic materials It exhibits exceptional physical properties. In fact, they have properties not found in natural materials. These characteristics are basically Electromagnetic, acoustic, seismic, thermal and mechanical. Consisting of periodic, insulating or mechanical structures, they act homogeneous material.

This concept was first proposed by Russian physicist Victor Veselago in the late 1960s, and it wasn’t until 2000. the first nano material BoyThanks to the work of John Pendry and David Smith. The two physicists remarkably conducted experiments on invisibility cloak models.

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