In the middle of the ocean, a Brazilian fisherman lives eleven days in the freezer

In the middle of the ocean, a Brazilian fisherman lives eleven days in the freezer

The survivor and his makeshift boat. Screenshot TV Record / UOL

After seeing his boat sink, the survivor – who could not swim – was rescued after 11 days of ordeal by another fishing boat.

The story is hardly believable. It is undoubtedly one of the most unusual survival stories. As mentioned Brazilian pressa Brazilian fisherman who left in August for three days of work from Oiapoque, a border town in French Guiana, sank off the coast.

After filling it with fish, Romualdo Macedo Rodrigues discovered cracks in his wooden boat. The 44-year-old, who doesn’t know how to swim, clears the waters seeping from all sides but sees his boat sink little by little, beyond repair, and decides to improvise.

He tests the buoyancy of the freezer on the boat and throws himself into the makeshift boat. “When I saw that there was no way out, I took the refrigerator and left‘, he said in an interview with the chain TVRecord.


But the fisherman, drowning in the middle of the ocean, can only hope to wait for improvised help. He has been waiting, terrified, in this Providence freezer for more than 11 days. “Then the water started pouring in. I put it in my hand. I’m starting to despair‘, he then reported.

About 400 kilometers from the coast, according to the Brazilian press, Romualdo Macedo Rodriguez must face another fear, the fear of sharks. “I thought I would be attacked by sharks because in the open sea there are many strange fish“.

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In the end, when it was about to collapse, a Surinamese fishing boat discovered the floating object and decided to approach it. The weak man finally hears the sound of the engine when the fishermen decide to leave, and they did not see him. “I stood and waved my hand for help“, Witness.

“A real miracle!”

But upon arrival at the coast of Suriname, the police arrested the Brazilian, without papers. Fortunately, the Brazilian authorities arranged for him to return to the country a few days later by plane.

How could he survive after so many days of neglect? Romualdo Macedo Rodriguez estimated that he lost 5 kilograms, and suffered above all from thirst. Police said his health was very poor after landing on the coast, and the quarantine was already much better when he returned to Brazil. “He was very thin, weak, but still very conscientious. The injuries he suffered, mainly related to the sun and heat, were already much betterFederal Police representative Luis Carlos Porto explained.

Returning home after such an unimaginable journey, Romualdo Macedo Rodrigues thanked Providence: “That fridge to me was God. A real miracle!»

see also – Sailboat Tara is on its way back after two years of microorganism harvesting

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