In London, thousands of people demonstrated to protect nature and climate

In London, thousands of people demonstrated to protect nature and climate

A large-scale mobilization organized at the call of several environmental organizations, including Extinction Rebellion (XR) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF): thousands of people took part, Saturday 22 June in London, in a large march to call for environmental protection. Their elected representatives must act to protect nature and the climate, less than two weeks before snap legislative elections in the UK.

The very colorful walk went east from Hyde Park to the Ministries Quarter, and took place in a pleasant setting – where many animal disguises could be seen. Protesters flocked from all over the UK to take part. “There is no life without wildlife”, “There is no button to start from scratch”Can we read on the signs? According to Agence France-Presse.

British actress Emma Thompson and British naturalist and presenter Chris Packham took their places at the head of the procession, calling for… “Restore nature now” – The slogan of the march. According to Mr Packham, this is the first time that organizations as diverse as the National Trust, which defends British heritage, and the Climate Defense Movement, which has controversial measures, have united in a demonstration.

Actress Emma Thompson to support activists

British actress Emma Thompson, right, and British environmentalist Chris Packham, left, take part in a protest

“Stop being so irresponsible!” »Emma Thompson in particular announced addressing political actors. “I can't believe their lack of commitment.” For the Climate During this general election campaign, the actress, a long-time environmental activist, once again criticized. Before adding: “We are in the eye of the storm (…) And I'm amazed at how much denial there is still out there. »

She explained that she supported the Just Stop Oil group, whose two activists sprayed paint on the blocks of the famous prehistoric English site of Stonehenge on Wednesday. “I believe I support everyone who is leading this extraordinary fight.”Emma Thompson said thinking so “We can no longer extract oil from the ground.” The Just Stop Oil Initiative calls for an end to fossil fuel exploitation by 2030.

Read also | In the UK, two environmentalists were arrested after spray-painting blocks of Stonehenge to denounce climate inaction.

Chris Packham explained that it was “I'm not a big fan of the content of the shows.” From various British political parties for this election regarding the fight against global warming. “When it comes to tackling the real big issues, there is no substance, commitment or determination to address them. This is really disappointing.”Criticize.

During the early legislative vote called for Thursday, July 4, in the United Kingdom, the Labor Party enjoys a wide majority, according to opinion polls, which, on the other hand, expect a heavy defeat for the Conservatives, who have been in power for fourteen years.

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