“I understand this is shocking but we had no other choice.”

“I understand this is shocking but we had no other choice.”

Screenshot of Center du don des corps (CDC) on Rue de Saint-Pierre, Paris, taken on July 13, 2021.

Before the interrogation of Judge Adrian Lallmann Day 1he is June, Jean-Remy H.; , 46, recognizes her without makeup: as “Almost all of them” who used to work there, he got used to his work ‘Terrible working conditions’ and the unsanitary buildings of the Center de Don de Coeur (CDC) on Rue de Saint-Pierre, in Paris, as well “smells” and for “Filth”.

“I understand that from an outside point of view, this is unacceptable and can be shocking (…). We started with that until we got used to it.” The former president of the CDC preparers said on 1he is June, during questioning to appear, and her record was viewed الاطلاع the world. His testimony clarifies the abuses – which he revealed Express November 2019 – related to the conservation and use of remains at the CDC, the largest anatomical center in France, founded in 1953 and attached to the University of Paris Descartes (which in January became the University of Paris, after merging with the associate Paris-Diderot and the Institute of Physical Fitness in the World).

This article is reserved for our subscribers Read also Descartes’ “mass grave” case: Frederic Dardel, former university president, accused

The smell of rotting and dismembered and unused corpses, power cuts in cold rooms, mass cremation, infestation of flies, worms and rats … CDC in November 2019. For its part, the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, conducted an inspection, the conclusions of which indicated, in June 2020 , to me “responsibility” from the University.

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Skulls, jewelry and teeth at home

Jean-Rémy H. has been charged. On April 14, as part of the judicial investigation opened, in July 2020, by the Public Health Center of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Paris on charges of “undermining the integrity of the corpse that deals with the conditions of storage and availability of bodies” within the CDC. Justice suspects forty things “To be, between November 30, 2013 and January 31, 2018, to undermine the respect and integrity of the corpses of people who have donated their bodies to science, in particular by recovering gold teeth from cadavers and jewellery, stabbing them and leaving them voluntarily at the mercy of rodents.”

Before him, another former CDC preparer was indicted on the same charge, in December 2020. Now retired, this septuagenarian who worked from 1975 to 2011 at the CDC. Investigators found various bones, several skulls, jewelry and teeth in his homes. In the spring of 2021, the University of Paris and Frederic Dardel, former president of Paris Descartes (2011-2019), were indicted for “assaulting the integrity of a corpse”.

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