Here are the rules for traveling to and from Australia

Here are the rules for traveling to and from Australia

Australia – Summer, the so-called good season, now entered with a straight leg and with it the desire to leave and return to travel and “unplugAfter more than one Year e Half From pandemic. Every year, there are millions of Italian and Sicilian tourists and citizens who decide to visit or return to Sicily. As we have seen, as of July 1 for 27 countriesEuropean Union The Green Passage has come into effect allowing you to travel without many restrictions. But what are the rules for non-EU countries?

In this new assignment, we’ll talk about a country that in the past, even not too far away, has seen the relocation of many Sicilians: Australia.

Australia – Travel Rules

The rules for traveling to Australia are very strict and precise. Indeed, with the extension of March, the Australian Government has confirmed the closure of international borders both internal and external, not only to travelers and permanent resident aliens, but also to Australian citizens.

At the moment, in fact, they can only enter Australia (with exceptions of a diplomatic, medical and military nature):

  • Australian citizens;
  • permanent residents;
  • Close family members;
  • Passengers who were in new Zeland At least 14 days before the departure date. This does not include countries of the Kingdom Cook Islands e Niue.

If you fall into one of these categories, it is very important to adhere to the rules established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • Passengers traveling to Australia must perform PCR buffer for every COVID-19 72 hours or less before departure Flight schedule and show evidence of negative test result upon check-in. However, be aware that members of a travel group who have been in primarily close contact (such as family contacts) of a traveler who has tested positive for COVID-19 will not be able to travel to Australia until all members of the group are infected.
  • The following information must be on the test result certificate, preferably in English:
    Name and date of birth of the traveler (age at time of test or accepted passport number, if date of birth is not listed), test result (such as “negative” or “undetected”) Test method used, for example, PCR test, date and time respiratory specimen collection for COVID-19 testing;
  • Upon arrival there is a very strict commitment Quarantine for 14 days at Customized Facilities By local authorities (usually hotels). Fulfillment of quarantine is mandatory even if vaccination is carried out and closely monitored by the police and health authorities, on a daily basis and without exception.
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But let’s see, instead, what are the current rules for Australian travelers arriving on Italian soil. According to the decree of May 14, 2021, when entering / returning to Italy, if you have stayed / passed during the previous 14 days in a D-list country, including Australia, it is mandatory:

  • or not a Online localization form (also referred to as Digital Passenger Locator (dPLF) Form;
  • At Degree who testifies to negative result From molecular test a antigen, carried out with a smear, which was made in the seventy-two (72) hours prior to entry into Italy, to be shown to any person responsible for carrying out such verification;
  • Information tohealthcare company competent for the territory to enter Italy;
  • succumb anyway credit isolation e 10 days health monitoring مراقبة. Could to reach by yourself inevitable fate In Italy only with private vehicle (It is allowed to cross the airport without leaving the designated areas of the airport)
  • in the end from 10 days StoneAdditional operation is necessary molecular testa antigen, performed with buffer.

Image source: Wikipedia

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