France services space in the post office to bring citizens closer to the administration

France services space in the post office to bring citizens closer to the administration

toThe post office in downtown Martinas-sur-Gal has had a facelift. Since January 9, the new space has been blue France servicesIt appeared inside municipal buildings. Managed by consultants, this branch offers personal assistance…

toThe post office in downtown Martinas-sur-Gal has had a facelift. Since January 9, the new space has been blue France services It appeared inside municipal buildings. Managed by consultants, this branch offers personal assistance to residents in their first administrative procedures: opening an account, applying for an identity card, passport or registration document, carrying out procedures with ANTS, CPAM, CAF or France Travail (formerly known as Pôle emploi). etc. It opened on Tuesday 12 March.

A way to bring citizens closer to administration, through human contact, at the heart of local service. The space also offers the possibility for Martignans or residents of other municipalities to carry out their operation independently, via a computer, tablet, printer and scanner, left at their disposal free of charge. “For some, the simple online process may be difficult. For example, I received a woman who had a smartphone but no internet. She was unable to open any administrative accounts because she could not receive registration confirmation codes via email. Explains Pierre Labrousse, consultant French Services: “We were able to help him carry out these basic procedures.”

Also for young people

It is not only the elderly who come to use this public service. “Within two months of opening, we also witnessed the passage of a fair number of young people who did not know how to perform certain procedures or who came to scan documents,” continues the consultant. Evidence that the digital divide and the digitization of management are not just leaving older people on the sidelines. For Mayor Jerome Pescina, this inauguration is also a way to “preserve public service in the city.”

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In Gironde there are 43 places for French services. The center in Martinas-sur-Gal is the eleventh in the department to be hosted in a post office, with the aim of “collecting and assembling services”.

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