Explaining science to people Esplanade Jacques Sourdille Givet Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Explaining science to people Esplanade Jacques Sourdille Givet Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Explaining science to people Esplanade Jacques Sourdille Givet, February 13, 2024.

Explaining science to people Esplanade Jacques Sourdille Givet Ardennes
Date (year – month – day) and time:
Start: 02-13-2024
End: 02-13-2024

The show is aimed at a young audience aged 11 years and above. After spending nearly twenty years responding to directors' wishes and desires, Françoise Jiménez wanted to respond to her own: to create a clown character, Martine Blancpaie, who explains things to people. A character who fell from the moon discovers the world she lives in and tells it as she understands it. A world in which we walk on our heads most of the time, which does not help us given our lack of flexibility due to being a little overweight… In her new show Science Explained to People, Martine spreads science with humor but precision and accuracy, and takes care of some of the great Arden scientists you will know us They have to… Presentation duration: 55 minutes followed by 20 minutes of discussions.

Performance space on Esplanade Jacques Sourdille “Le Manège”.
Givet 08600 Ardennes Grand Est [email protected]

The event that science explained to people Givet was updated on 17-09-2023 by Ardennes Tourisme

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