Ecological Discovery Area in the Ecomuseum

Ecological Discovery Area in the Ecomuseum

Jacques Rumbler, President of the Ecomusée d’Alsace, and Simone Risser, President of Acef 68 (an association that brings together active and retired public servants) recently signed a partnership agreement, allowing the museum to benefit from a €100,000 contribution towards the creation of a new area, designated on an area of ​​one hectare. Almost to discover the fun of the environment and it is called “Game Forest – Environmental Discovery Zone”.

The site restores a number of structures that already existed, such as the Maison du XXIe century, redeveloped and renamed “La anthill”, which will serve as a reception and training centre. The mud building, erected during the Baistilla experiments, and for its part called the “den”, will serve as a venue for exhibitions and conferences. And Zollinger’s impressive frame, with honeycomb, shaped like an ogive, will allow you to stroll in the shade. The huts and wooden arms of the younger ones, existing a few years ago, have been rehabilitated.

The space for the construction of the cabins in the bushes has also been preserved.

Participatory and educational botanical garden

Everything has been coordinated and arranged in a pleasant way to create a place for family relaxation. New play structures (raft, swing) have been added, as well as a barefoot track that transforms into a water track to awaken the senses.

But the fun aspect isn’t the only aspect taken into consideration. This new neighborhood, surrounded by forest and refreshed by the nearby water, also wants to embody the work done around the environment by the Ecomuseum in its own way. Therefore, environmental events and mediations will be held regularly to educate parents and children about nature and its occupants. No less than 4,500 species are included in the museum’s natural heritage!

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An educational and participatory botanical garden, developed in collaboration with the municipality in Transition Ungersheim, as well as a pedestrian bridge to observe the flora and fauna hanging over the river, complement a system described as innovative and exceptional, which is another challenge to retain for local and regional visitors. A set of panels will also provide content in a fun and educational way.

Jack Rumbler emphasizes: “We want to make a positive impact on children’s environmental awareness by betting on their curiosity and awareness of nature based on experience and fun learning.”

This new site, which will be enriched over the next two years, will finally be a new and wonderful asset to welcome school children. To be discovered without moderation once the Ecomuseum opens on June 23.

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