Eating for a Long Life: End myths about nutrition – this is how healthy eating works

Eating for a Long Life: End myths about nutrition – this is how healthy eating works

Low-Carb, Low-Fat, or High-Protein – Nutrition guides are constantly announcing new trends that are supposed to keep us healthier. Some food groups are allowed, others are forbidden – strict but simple. The problem: Advisors often oppose one another. Some write that vegetarians live healthier, others consider meat indispensable. Opinions are divided even with foods like fat and milk. The confusion is great and the central question remains: What is really good for us?

Bass Cast takes a different approach in his bestselling book “Der Ernahrungkompass”. A science journalist doesn’t want to dictate a certain diet on us. His plan: Create clarity in confusion diets. To do so, he sifted through thousands of studies. “It’s about examining the scientific background and looking at individual foods – are they healthier or more harmful to the body,” he says in his podcast, “Smarter Living.”

The food myth that persists: fats make you fat. “It’s not just about calories. Fats are more filling than other foods, and at some point you stop eating. It’s also interesting that some fats prevent inflammation.” The journalist especially recommends vegetable fats like olive oil or fatty nuts.

In Ideas Podcast “Live smart” Kast clarifies more nutrition myths. It explains how our digestion works and provides healthy recipes that are easy to cook at home. Perhaps his most important finding was: “In nearly all foods, dose makes poison.”

You can hear this episode of “Smarter Living” here:

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