CPJ selected UJM for three chairs

CPJ selected UJM for three chairs

As part of the second wave of the National Junior Professorships (CPJ) Scheme, three UJM chair projects were selected by MESRI from a total of 88 institutions of higher learning. They will allow UJM to follow its strategic development in terms of training and research.

As part of its 2021-2025 strategy, Jean Monnet University publishes an academic structuring plan aimed at Accelerate the development of training and research in 4 major areas of specialization Which, today, are many of the university’s identity markers at the same time as they cover topics with strong societal risks. It also gives priority to strengthening the link between training and research.

CPJ projects implemented by Jean Monnet University focus on advanced scientific topics : sciences and engineering (photonics and optoelectronics); Polymers, Processes, Materials, Green Chemistry and Supercritical Fluids; and economic theory for public decision-making.

  • The first chair focused on photonics and optoelectronics It aims to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of degradation of optics and photonic materials in harsh environments. With the support of the European Master’s Degree RADMEP, it will be linked directly to the institution’s research and training strategy. It will depend, on the research side, on Hubert Curien . Laboratory (UJM / CNRS, IOGS), and on the training side Graduate School EUR Manutech-SLEIGHT and on physics department from the College of Science and Technology.

    chair name: Photonics, optoelectronics and microelectronics in the environment severe radioactive

  • The second seat focuses on the topic of economic theory for public decision-making, which is based on the societal issue of transforming public work. Based on the new UJM School, Saint-Etienne School of Economics and the GATE Laboratory (UJM / CNRS / ENS de Lyon / Lyon 2). The ambition of this chair is to meet the current and future challenges of public work.
    It will suggest original collective decision-making procedures for specific problemsand both are ideal from an economic point of view, based on ethical principles, numerically achievable, and efficient from an arithmetic point of view.

    teaching sideIn particular, the chair will be involved in the MA in Political Engineering, which offers a high-level English language education in the areas of public and private sector decision-making assistance, institutional and political engineering, game theory, and artificial intelligence.

    chair name: Economic Design for Public Action (DECAP)

  • The third chair will be at the intersection of the specialist areas of Operations and Materials Science.
    It will make it possible to develop studies aimed at:
    Intensification of process and material adequacy By improving process efficiency by integrating many functions into one process and by reducing input consumption by improving physical and chemical properties and/or reactive systems;
    Making the use of polymeric materials safer To further recycle it towards applications currently unimaginable by achieving complete decontamination/purification;
    Continuous generation of materials Introduce usage characteristics that differ from those currently proposed.

    teaching sideThe Chair will be significantly involved in promoting teaching about environmental design, development and recycling of polymer materials, and in particular within the mention of Master’s degree in “Chemistry and Materials Science”, course “Plastics” That the University of Jean Monnet shares accreditation with the University of Lyon 1, the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne and the Ecole centrale de Lyon.

    chair name: New materials and processes with low environmental impactPossibly an abbreviation – MATPRODEFI)

Junior Professorship System

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CPJ constitutes a new method of employment in a research and teaching project that, at the end of it (3 to 6 years), after assessment of the scientific value and professional competence of the agent by a term committee, allows access to a stable employee. Work in the faculty of the university.

The research and teaching project is supported by the Foundation in line with its scientific strategy.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESRI) plans to establish 2,000 chairs between 2021 and 2030.
Each chair holder will provide a service equivalent to an average of 64 hours of teaching hours per year and will also benefit from ANR funding of €200,000 for their research activities.

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