Conference on Decorative Architectural Porcelain in Bondi (1880-1930) Espace Marcel Chauzy, 17 September 2022, Bondi.

Conference on Decorative Architectural Ceramics in Bondi (1880-1930) Saturday 17 September 2:30 pm Espace Marcel Chauzy
Free of charge, upon registration of information from the Department of Arts and Cultures of Bondi on 01 48 50 54 68
At the end of the 19th century, porcelain finally made it possible to fulfill the desires of architects: to bring color to our streets. Come and hear the story of these decorations that adorn the facades.

Espace Marcel Chauzy 5 Square du 8 May 1945 Bondi Le Mingue – Bondi windmill 93140 Seine-Saint-Denis Île-de-France [{“link”: “”}, {“link”: “”}]

Decorative architectural ceramics at Bondi (1880-1930)

At the end of the 19th century, porcelain finally made it possible to fulfill the desires of many architects: to bring color to our streets. Thanks to the industrialization of the means of production, enameled bricks and sometimes highly decorative ceiling linings are formed in large numbers as well as facade decorations. Protruding panels and tiles arranged in frieze and rosettes decorate the walls with floral or geometric motifs arranged in different arrangements. Taking an inventory of the ceramic decorations of the facade and restoring them to the whole area gives the city dweller the pleasure of exploring his city and discovering its history.

A Bundin and specialist in architectural ceramics, Françoise Marie travels for decades through the Sequano-Dionysian territory and its city in search of its forgotten motifs.

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Conference led by Françoise Marie, author of ” Decorative architectural ceramics in Bondi “,” Heritage in Seine-Saint-Denis – No. 38, Department of Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny, 2010.
Organized as part of the Participatory InventoryWho built the Great ParisOn the signatures of the buildings carried by the department of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2022-09-17 T14:30:00 + 02:00
2022-09-17T16:00:00 + 02:00

© Francoise Marie