Business Creator Space: Sharing experiences

Business Creator Space: Sharing experiences

leading businesses. On Friday, June 7, the Creator Space celebrated its 10th anniversary with a day full of activities. In particular the opportunity to meet some of the graduates, who passed through the structure before setting out on their own.

Ten years is the anniversary that the Entrepreneurship Creator Space (ECE) celebrated on Friday 7 June. Various activities were offered to the general public. Starting with a creative escape game open to everyone, in which about thirty people participated. Thematic workshops followed throughout the day, to allow each of the supported structures (currently 22) to consolidate their activity.


In the afternoon, current and former members of ECE, through a television set, answered questions from Clementine Coppola (Puissance TV) to tell their stories. “These comments are also an opportunity for them to take a step back from their journey,” says Jean-Luc Rousseau, Director of the Economic Commission for Europe.

This is the case of Frédéric Guillemin, also known as Fred or Fritz, who set up a French fry shack in the courtyard of the Espace. “I started working as a waiter for 20 years at the Hotel Gambetta,” reveals the man who shuttled between Saint-Dizier and Vitry-le-François, before arriving at ECE in 2019 on the advice of Pôle emploi. “I was in the markets, and I thought it would be a good idea to make fresh French fries like no one else was doing.” At the incubator, supported by Matteo Paquin, he learned privately how to “create a company.” I stayed here for four and a half years. “I have “I went through Covid periods, and sometimes I was completely alone, like a guard,” laughs Fredo. From his visit, he also remembers “help getting started” and “good atmosphere.”

A point in common with Benoît Comfaits (BCO Conseil) who started his adventure in nursery at the same time. He now resides at the Chamber of Commerce where “there is the same state of mind as here, with mutual aid.” From ECE, he will have learned in particular “that being a business manager means mastering production, sales, accounting and human resources…”


In a different register, there is Matthieu Koch (Atome Studio). Young videographer Bragard was one of the winners The second edition of the call for innovative projects, in early 2024. “At first, it was a nascent passion. Sometimes we wake up and say, “I want to do that.” “There was a little time before I created my business, but it happened,” says the young man, who accompanied him for three years in the creative space where he learned “a lot of tips.”

Within a decade, 1,036 people were supported at ECE. The first two chassis created were the Protec SAE and HydroElec combination; If the first had a second life under the name Advisecure, the second was closed in June 2022. Note that this day concluded with the launch of the third call for innovative projects.

Louis Vanthoornot

[email protected]

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