Below are the names of the secondary schools that have the highest baccalaureate success rate

Below are the names of the secondary schools that have the highest baccalaureate success rate

In France, 80% of middle and high schools bear the name of a figure, according to a memorandum from the School Evaluation Board, published in February 2024. The figures honored are overwhelmingly men, of French nationality, who lived during the Revolution. The Third Republic or the period that followed it. The names of the establishments are assigned to the mayor of schools, the general council for middle schools, and the regional council for secondary schools.

When it comes to high schools alone, St. Joseph comes out on top, with 34 high schools bearing that name. Notre Dame holds second place on the podium with 26 institutions. Joan of Arc is the third most popular name, with 24 institutions carrying her. Scientists are also in the spotlight: mathematicians Blaise Pascal and Nicolas de Condorcet, inventor Leonardo da Vinci, and engineer Gustave Eiffel are among the most frequented scientists. On the women's side, Camille Claudel and Marie Curie are among the figures who have given their name to several secondary schools: 8 institutions of the former and 9 of the latter.

Is the ranking the same when we look at the success rate of students in the baccalaureate? For your information, Le Figaro demanded Calculating the average success rate in the baccalaureate in 2022 for the general and technical secondary schools of the exact same name. Clarification: Only (exactly identical) nouns with at least 5 secondaries were taken into account. Verdict? Don Bosco, Notre Dame, Notre Dame de la Providence, St. Dominic and St. Joseph La Salle high schools placed fourth. ex aequo From the list, with an average pass rate of 99.00% for each of these high school names.

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Now for the platform. In the second step, St. Paul's and St. Mary's high schools are tied again, with an average pass rate of 99.38%. First place went to Saint Therese Secondary Schools with a success rate of 99.80%. On the other side of the table, we find high schools named Jean Moulin, Albert Camus and Jean Rostand, with average pass rates respectively of 90.00%, 89, 60% and 88.17%. Of course, this ranking, somewhat anomalous, does not replace the ranking of the best secondary schools in France, which takes into account several indicators and which you can find by clicking on here.

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