ATN passengers will be able to offset their travel emissions

ATN passengers will be able to offset their travel emissions

ATN customers, for example, will be able to fund the reforestation of a native forest in New Zealand.
ATN customers, for example, will be able to fund the reforestation of a native forest in New Zealand. (© DR)

In order to give passengers the opportunity to offset the environmental impact of their flights, Air Tahiti Nui signed a new partnership in December 2020 with New Zealand startup CarbonClick. This partnership is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, which aims to raise awareness of global warming.

From June 2021, Air Tahiti Nui customers, once their flight has been booked, will be able to calculate their flight carbon emissions and choose to offset the impact of their flight by accessing the CarbonClick platform. Sur cette plateforme, les voyageurs pourront s’informer sur la compensation carbone volontaire et découvrir un panier de projets environnementaux certifiés à impact positif permettant de stocker du carbone (projets de type fossil reforestation) ou de réduire deproset dejus Renewable energy). Thus, the purchase of carbon offset credit will make it possible to support concrete environmental projects, helping to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide2 Up in the air.

In this way, Air Tahiti Nui wants to meet the expectations of its passengers, who are increasingly sensitive to reducing their environmental footprint.

Travelers will be able to support selected projects by reforesting a native forest in New Zealand, developing solar water heaters in India or a biogas project in China.

Carbon offset already represents a tangible and reliable way to contribute to the joint efforts needed to reduce the impact of global warming.

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