ASM resumed the training course, scouting new faces for Clermont

ASM resumed the training course, scouting new faces for Clermont

Fans stationed along the railing of Gravanches played Monday to the traditional “who’s who” of the season. This is the fun of the first training sessions of the season: getting to know the new recruits.

Australian second row Rob Simmons, World Cup joker Caleb Teemo, center Pierre Voysac, half Enzo Sanga and winger Joris Jourand participated in their first ‘yellow and blue’ session.

14th place: ASM Clermont knows the schedule for its first three meetings

Some, however, were missing. Benjamin Urdabileta will not arrive in Clermont until next Tuesday. Folau Fainga’a hooker still held by Wallabies. The club is waiting to find out if he will be selected for the World Cup. This may be the case for Argentine Marcos Kremer. Finally, we won’t see New Zealand’s Pita Gus Swakula before the end of October.

Pierre Voysac Center (photo by Franck Boileau).

New faces have also appeared in the crew. In addition to the recruits, Frédéric Charrier (offensive coach), Julien Larley (forwards and defence), Mourad Abid (physical preparation) and Ian Vaas (footwork) scouted the “yellow and blue” workforce and infrastructure.

World Cup Joker Caleb Teemo (portrait of Frank Boileau).

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Scrum-Have Enzo Sanga (photo by Frank Boileau).

Wing Joris Jourand (photo by Franck Boileau).

Arnaud Clergue

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