Archaeologists have discovered 1,000 skeletons in a mass grave in Nuremberg

Archaeologists have discovered 1,000 skeletons in a mass grave in Nuremberg

Bones. Archaeologists said that eight pits were discovered by archaeologists in Nuremberg (Germany). CNN This Tuesday. Each of them contained dozens of bodies, believed to be victims of the plague epidemic that spread in the region in the seventeenth century. More than 1,000 skeletons were found there.

Excavation work, which began last October as part of a field study with the aim of constructing new buildings, is still continuing. Experts estimate they may find 1,500 bodies in total, which could make this mass grave the largest ever discovered in Europe.

It's difficult to determine the exact date on which you enter, a data on carbon 14 days ago that discovers the pieces of money and make a note that mentions the date of Anniversary 1634 on this day. 'read more.

“Excellent opportunity for research”

The note in question describes a plague epidemic and mentions 2,000 bodies buried there. “Although there were plague cemeteries in Nuremberg, these people were not buried in a regular cemetery. This means that a large number of the deceased had to be buried in a short period of time, without taking into account public practices,” explained a researcher from the municipal heritage conservation department. Christian burial.

According to the mayor of Nuremberg, this discovery represents an “excellent opportunity” to better understand the lifestyles of that time. The head of the company that carried out the excavation added: “We can examine the size of the city and its demographic composition with the same tools used by a modern census team.” » Tools that should make it possible to obtain valuable information.

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