Amazing innovations submitted by teenagers for the Science Factor competition

Amazing innovations submitted by teenagers for the Science Factor competition

On March 20, 2024, an awards ceremony was held for the Science Factor competition dedicated to innovation, in which teams of middle and high school students competed. Sciences et Avenir caught up with these young people behind the promising innovations. To discover in the videos.

On March 20, 2024, the competition's awards ceremony was held in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Science factor. Created in 2011 by Global Contact and supported by the Ministries of National Education and Research, it aspires to give young girls and boys a taste of science, innovation and digital technology.

This year, 27 teams from all over France – but not only: one team from the United Arab Emirates – imagined innovative inventions and projects. Here are some of them I noticed before Science and the future.

Girls-led teams

Participating teams compete in 7 categories, such as the “Care Award,” which rewards projects that focus on health and well-being, or the “Girls’ and Boys’ Equality Award.”

Equality between girls and boys in science is one of the foundations of the science world, with girls systematically leading participating groups. The idea is to show that they have their place in science courses, while they only represent about 40% of students in science courses (in 2018), which seems a disappointment. From CB.

Project support

The winners of the competition have the opportunity to receive support for at least a year to continue and develop their project. This was the case in 2023 for the group Madino, a team from Martinique that envisioned a gravity water filtration system that can specifically filter out chlordecone. This pesticide is responsible for widespread water pollution in the Antilles : Nearly 90% of the population shows traces of it even though the insecticide has been banned since 1993.

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Among the previous winners present, we can also note the presence of “One Possible Dream”, an exhibition that tells the story of well-known figures, such as Beethoven, Philip Croizon and Agatha Christie, after overcoming a disability.

5 winning teams

This year, 5 teams were rewarded. They cover a variety of topics[…]


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