abnormal.  Why, from space, did Thomas Bisquet send a word of apology to the Stade Toulouse

abnormal. Why, from space, did Thomas Bisquet send a word of apology to the Stade Toulouse

Thomas Pesquet sent a letter of apology to Stade Toulousain on Friday 25 June 2021. He was unable to see the final because he was busy with a base show.
Thomas Pesquet sent a letter of apology to Stade Toulousain on Friday 25 June 2021. He was unable to see the final because he was busy with a base show. (© ISS)

The happiest coronation of Stade Toulouse in the French rugby final, many people on Friday 25 June 2021.

It had a beautiful effect at the end of more than one special season with the coronavirus health crisis.

It even caused a reaction in space…

Thomas Pesquet Sciuse

Astronaut Thomas Bisquet has already split a small letter into the red and black heading. A letter of apology.

“Right there with the spacewalk it was impossible to follow the final, but the important thing is to know the winners, bravo!!!”

Why this word of apology?

So why did Thomas Pesquet send a (nice) word of apology to the Stade Toulouse? Why didn’t one of the stadium’s most famous fans catch up on this unforgettable evening as they did in the H Cup Final?

Simply because he was too busy Friday night to perform New space walk To finish installing a solar panel on the International Space Station.

Not a small task that requires the complete focus of the astronaut.

Good excuse then!

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