A very old catalog of stars hidden in parchment

A very old catalog of stars hidden in parchment

Page from Codex Climaci Rescriptus (above). His analysis revealed parts of the star catalog of the Greek mathematician Hipparchus. Credit: Peter Malik/CNRS

Researchers have found traces of the lost text of Hipparchus, the “father” of ancient astronomy.

It is considered an introduction to ancient astronomy. Greek mathematician Hipparchus, who is said to have lived in the seconde century BC, he would be the author of a catalog listing the coordinates of hundreds of stars. A scientific document of great value … but it has been lost for centuries. At least until French, British, and American scholars discovered, in a medieval manuscript, a text excerpt comprising parts of this Hipparque catalog. works Published in the magazine journal for the history of astronomy, Which, in addition to the document’s scientific value, could shut down centuries-old debates.

As is often the case in scientific developments, serendipity is not entirely separate from the discovery of this much-requested text. Peter Williams, a scholar at Tyndale House, a center for biblical studies at the University of Cambridge (UK), was carrying out a research project with his students on certain pages of…

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