A dentist has offered his patients the chance to play one of the best PS1 games while waiting their turn.  We don't all have the same dentist…

A dentist has offered his patients the chance to play one of the best PS1 games while waiting their turn. We don't all have the same dentist…

Game news A dentist has offered his patients the chance to play one of the best PS1 games while waiting their turn. We don't all have the same dentist…

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On Reddit, one player fondly recalled a game he played in a dentist's waiting room. A nostalgic moment that takes us back to the future of the Crash Bandicoot license.

Gamer nostalgia is taking over Reddit

On Reddit, players regularly share nostalgic messages allowing many players to reminisce about their best gaming years. Recently, it was user Verytastytreats who made a post mentioning a dentist waiting room he could play in The racing team crashed, a title first released in 1999, is one of the best games of the PlayStation 1 era and a major competitor to Mario Kart. In addition to the many positive reactions from platform users, this message also reminds us of the existence of the new version Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Released twenty years later. But what about the other games in the Crash Bandicoot license?

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Where did Crash Bandicoot go?

An inseparable mascot of the Playstation ecosystem, Crash Bandicoot has been present in one form or another in every console generation. After the remake of the first three works released in 2017 with the title Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyActivision decided to outsource the license to Toys for Bob, which developed it Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Timea game published in 2022. Last year, the Crash team returned in a new form with Team Rumble crasheda type of MOBA game where two teams of two players face each other.

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But what about the fifth major opus? Honestly, nothing is certain at the moment. We know that Toys for Bob is now owned by Microsoft. The studio was then part of the Activision-Blizzard-King group, but has only just regained its independence. And according to the latest news, the teams are already working with Microsoft on their next project that might relate to another popular video game mascot: Spyro the dragon. Now under Xbox's leadership, Crash and his friends currently have no projects associated with them. Obviously we hope to hear from them soon.


Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, the platformer that smells good of yesteryear


Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, walkthrough, tips

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