A challenge for one in four French people

A challenge for one in four French people

a The survey was conducted by OnePoll and 72 Point Media. MUJI highlights a sudden concern: A quarter of the French Worried about not sleeping well while on vacation? This data raises important questions about how sleep affects our health during our downtime.

need for vacation after vacation

More than half of those surveyed Expressing the ambivalent feeling of needing another vacation shortly after their return. Only 12.5% ​​of French They say they sleep poorly while on vacation, a worrying number that makes us think about the quality of our relaxation.

Perfect vacation pressure

Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley highlights the importance of sleep complete rest and deep sleep To avoid burnout. According to him, it takes three days to start feeling the benefits of vacation on mood and anxiety. However, if you sleep poorly, vacations can have the opposite effect.

Factors affecting sleep on vacation

The main elements that disturb sleep on vacation identified by the French are:

  • Noise : It is often unavoidable, especially in crowded tourist areas or less isolated hotels.
  • the heat :Especially in very hot or poorly air-conditioned places.
  • uncomfortable bed : An aspect that is sometimes overlooked when booking accommodation.

Tools for a relaxing vacation

To address these problems, MUJI offers a Interactive competition To help choose a destination that suits each vacationer's sleep profile. The goal is to allow everyone to find the perfect place to stay for the perfect rest.

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Some destinations recommended by MUJI

  • For party members Ibiza, with its dynamism and sun, is ideal for those who love nightlife.
  • For lovers of tranquility Provence offers relaxing landscapes and opportunities to relax on its beaches.
  • For families Tuscany, with its diverse tourist attractions, is ideal for teenagers and their parents.
  • For the adventurers With its natural and cultural riches, Croatia promises a rich vacation.

Sleeping position: stomach or back, which is the best choice for a restful night?

Prioritize comfort

Vacations should be a time to recharge your batteries away from the stresses of everyday life. It is essential that we adapt our choice of destinations not only to our preferred activities but also to our need for rest. Tools like those offered by MUJI can greatly help increase the possibility of recovering from our vacations, thus turning our vacation time into a real source of renewal.

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