Xbox Game Pass: August's first game arrives today, and it's going to make you want it! | Xbox

Xbox Game Pass: August's first game arrives today, and it's going to make you want it! | Xbox

After a busy July, it’s time to welcome the first Xbox Game Pass games for August! The least we can say is that there should be some nice surprises again this eighth month of the year, starting with Creatures of Ava hitting the catalog today.

The game arrives directly to the service on its release day and promises to take us through a very beautiful adventure that highlights the non-aggressive combat mechanics. It will be available later today and can be played locally on consoles and PC, as well as on mobile via Xbox Cloud Gaming.

Be sure to check out our full list of Xbox Game Pass games coming in 2024 and beyond in our article. It's updated regularly as announcements are made.

Creatures of Ava (Console, PC, Cloud)

Can you save a life?

Welcome to Creatures of Ava, a unique creature rescue game that invites you to explore a world teeming with wild creatures. They inspire joy and wonder, forming a unique bond that allows you to use their skills to travel the planet and solve environmental problems.

Once peaceful, these creatures are now vulnerable to an unknown infection that is causing them to act aggressively, making your rescue mission an urgent necessity.

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