Worms found at Democratic convention breakfast

Worms found at Democratic convention breakfast

According to several US media outlets, Chicago police and the FBI are investigating an incident that occurred during a breakfast during the Democratic National Convention at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, where maggots were allegedly intentionally placed in the food. Two law enforcement sources confirmed the incident, which occurred on Wednesday morning.

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According to a statement from Chicago Police, several unknown individuals entered the building and placed unknown objects on the tables where food was being served. One person was treated at the scene and was able to leave without requiring further treatment.

Activist-led movement

The FBI is working with local police to investigate. A police source suggested the worms may have been introduced by activists, though that has not yet been confirmed.

Fairmont spokeswoman Haley Robles said hotel staff responded quickly by cleaning and disinfecting the affected area, allowing the event to continue without further interruptions.

It also claimed that the hotel maintains strict food safety and hygiene standards, and that strict protocols are in place to deal with such disruptions. Details regarding the exact time the issue was discovered are not yet known.

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