Interview: Michael and Zachary Improve Classroom Air Quality… Thanks to Algae! | Stuff

Interview: Michael and Zachary Improve Classroom Air Quality… Thanks to Algae! | Stuff

Here is a picture of the project. Algae saves students Which is used to purify the air in classrooms. This timer runs 8 hours a day to help with photosynthesis during study hours.

Why did you choose microalgae?

ZacharyMicroalgae are actually more effective than trees for this type of project. Trees produce carbon dioxide at night when they respire, which is not ideal for our project. Other options were either too expensive or too complicated to implement. Microalgae are easy to manage, and we found a way to keep them healthy for as long as possible.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

Zachary: Finding microalgae was tricky because they are not easy to find. We had to learn how to take care of them properly to keep them alive in the school.

Did your project change your life?

Zachary: Definitely! It opened my eyes to what I love to do and what I want to do in the future, like engineering design. It's one of my most enriching experiences.

Michael: I agree with Zakaria. This project has allowed us to explore areas of science that we didn't know before. Chemistry, engineering, all of this has taught us a lot and opened doors for the future.

Do you want to continue in this field? What careers interest you?

ZacharyI would like to go into mechanical engineering, especially in the design field.

Michael: For my part, I am interested in several things. Medicine appeals to me a lot, but I could also think about becoming a biomedical engineer, to develop innovative medical solutions.

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What advice do you have for young people who want to start science projects?

ZacharyFind a field that excites you and invest a lot of time in developing your project. Do your research, talk to others to get new ideas, and don’t be afraid to try new things.

MichaelAbove all, no idea is too far-fetched. With knowledge you can achieve great things.

Mikael and Zachary don’t plan to stop there. Building on their success, they are determined to push their project further. Currently in the pilot phase, they have already proven that their system works. The next challenge? Developing their invention on a larger scale. To do so, they have begun collaborating with research centers and companies, hoping that one day their solution will be able to equip classrooms in Quebec, and why not, all over the world… This is just the beginning of a great scientific adventure for these two promising young inventors!

And you, if you could invent something to improve your daily life at school, what would it be and why?

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