DNA discovery at Espace Mendès-France

DNA discovery at Espace Mendès-France


“Elementary, my dear Watson,” such a phrase conjures up for many the famous Watson, Sherlock Holmes’ best friend. That is no longer the case for the 10 or so participants in the workshop bearing that title, which is being held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 atEspace Mendes-France From Poitiers byDNA School.

Alice, a scientific facilitator, and Lisa, a PhD student in plant physiology and genetics, co-facilitators of this workshop, first identified the basics of life. Then came the time to observe with a microscope.
The long-awaited microscopic observation was made by 9-year-old Antonin, who came with his mother Marie, a librarian, and his cousin Louise, who had already studied the subject at school. The first uses of the microscope were to observe cells in onions and peppers.

Monitoring an individual's DNA

Then came the observation of animal or rather human cells, by taking oral cell samples from the workshop participants. Finally, the recovery of 2 ml of saliva from these same participants allowed everyone to prepare and observe their own DNA. This workshop concluded with a period of free discussion, which covered among other things cloning.

Leander, 13, a participant in the workshop, admitted that “My mom surprised me with the content of the workshop, but I volunteered because I love science.”For him as for other participants, “Elementary, My Dear Watson” now evokes the memory of James Watson, co-author with Francis Crick of a paper, on April 25, 1953, that revolutionized biology and medicine, demonstrating the double helix structure of “deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

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The École de l'ADN, an association that has hosted it since 2006 at the Espace Mendès-France in Poitiers, is creating workshops on living things; the workshops are open to the general public from the age of 7. The next session will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. It is included in the “Family Experiences” system supported by the Vienne department.

Information: Tel. or ecole-adn-poitiers.org/contact

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