Climate Research: IPCC publishes report on climate change – News

Climate Research: IPCC publishes report on climate change – News

It is already clear that the number and intensity of extreme events are increasing with increasing warming, said Astrid Kindler-Schar, head of the Institute for Energy and Climate Research at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The number of hot days in Germany has increased by nearly 200 percent since 1951, as has the number of days with heavy rain. “With every tenth of a degree warm, the risk of extreme events increases, and the frequency and intensity of extreme events increases,” she said.

As Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulz (SPD) told the Rheinische Post in Düsseldorf (Mon) regarding the IPCC report and extreme weather events: “They are no longer disappearing, because we cannot reverse the climate change that has already occurred. . However, we can slow down global warming.”

Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) has called for more EU support for poor countries in terms of climate protection. He told Funke Media Group newspapers that only eight out of 191 countries had achieved the goals of the Paris climate agreement. “We need a global green deal: with massive private investment to expand renewable energies as well as technology transfer and an investment offensive by industrialized countries in emerging and developing countries.”

Meteorologist Peter Nipperts of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) said the report would show the urgency of climate protection measures. “Every climate-damaging molecule they emit is too much of a molecule, regardless of whether it’s coming as methane from the bottom of sheep in New Zealand, or as carbon dioxide from a US exhaust pipe or a West Cologne power plant.” The issue of climate protection is serious. “We have to stop lying in our pockets,” he said. “Together we must start a project for a sustainable and livable future.”

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