Are we alone in the universe? The answer is “in the next 10 to 30 years,” according to one astrophysicist.

Are we alone in the universe? The answer is “in the next 10 to 30 years,” according to one astrophysicist.

Green Men – Adam Frank, an American astrophysicist, has published a popular book about extraterrestrial life.

Are we alone in universe Consciously or not, everyone has their own opinion about this particularly fascinating question. In the vastness of the empty, cold universe, on a mysteriously round stone gravitating around an ordinary star of which there are billions, will we be the only place where life exists? Adam Frank, professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester USHe is more measured and reassuring in his book. Aliens – What Science Sayswhich will be published in France on Wednesday by Denoël Editions.

“I am optimistic that life is relatively common in the universe. The evidence from Earth points us in that direction. As soon as Earth became capable of life, it had life. We can conclude that at least simple life forms are not difficult for nature to produce.” Interview given to Parisian. Microbes then, single-celled organisms no doubt, but also intelligent life?

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Adam Frank himself has worked on this question, and recalls the Fermi Paradox. “We discovered that it would take a few hundred thousand years for civilization to spread throughout the galaxy, which means (…) Read more in 20 minutes

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